Wie man marode .com-Unternehmen erkennt
Scott McNealy, Chef von Sun Microsystems ["We are the dot in dotcom"], hat laut "Register" zehn weise und teils humorvolle Tipps parat, um marode .com-Unternehmen zu erkennen.
Als da wären [im Original]:
10. They have an e or an i or a dotcom as part of their name.
9. Employees' pagers can only receive stock prices.
8. The initial vesting period closed yesterday, and today the office is empty.
7. There are more dogs and cats in their offices than employees.
6. Employees are heard saying, "Profits are so yesterday."
5. The accounts receivable sign hangs over a toilet.
4. The value of cars in the parking lot exceed the company's revenue by a factor of four.
3. The investor relations department reports to marketing.
2. Zero revenues but enough cash to purchase Iceland.
1. Employees ask, "Hey dude, what does the P in P&L stand for?"